Thursday, March 31, 2016

Coway Product Promotion

Coway offers the following promotion for the following products.

For rental of Coway products except for INCEPTION model, you will need to pay only RM100 to get registered (normal registration fee is RM200) or if you opt out not to get the RM100 waiver, you will get one number of Happy call pan.

For outright sales of all Coway products except for INCEPTION model, you will get 10% discount. If you opt out not to have the discount, you will get one full set of Happy call pan.

Please visit for coway products detail.

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Traditionally, we use paper to clean up after calling to the nature.

Paper cannot totally clean up the rectal area.

Nowadays, manual bidet and digital bidet warm and clean up your rectal area. No toilet paper is needed.

For details, please refer to