Everyone by nature wishes to live a happy and safe life. Believe it or not, sometime, you could do a minor thing which might make a big difference in your life.
I know in Malaysia, my home country a lot of people are safety and security conscious. They install window grille to prevent burglar from breaking in. There are 2 types of window grilles in the market i.e. (i) fixed window grille and (ii) sliding window grille which can be padlocked.
There is a big danger associated with the above 2 types of window grille.
For the fixed window grille, there is no way to escape during emergency like fire as it is fixed.
For the padlocked sliding window grille, most probably you could not find the key as you tend to be panic during emergency.
Either way, you are setting a trap for yourself when you fix a window grille.
Is there a solution to this problem?
Now, there is a product called Griloc window safety lock. It is keyless. The locking and opening mechanism is within the same device. The opening of the safety lock is just as simple as pulling a locking pin at the bottom case. Even a small kid can do it with ease. Of couse, it is burglary proof.
For details, please visit http://www.window-safety-lock.com/.
Your comment is welcome.
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