In a will, the testator states the person who will conduct
the distribution of his property (executor) to the person whom he wishes to
give (beneficiary). He may wish to appoint a trustee to deal with his property
such as to insure, to sell or to rent out his property. He can even appoint a
guardian beside his spouse to take care of his children until they reach the
age of majority.
There are a few compelling reasons why a person must make a
will during his lifetime.
Firstly, a testator can bequeath his property to the persons
he wish to bequeath in his will. For instance, he may wish to donate part of
his property to a charitable organization or give part of it to a friend.
Without a will, a person’s estate will be distributed according to the
Distribution Act 1958. According to the Distribution Act 1958, the statutory
beneficiaries are his spouse, issues (children, if no children grandchildren) and
parents. The Court however, may
intervene if a testator’s dependant who is not named as a beneficiary in
the will applies for review.
Secondly, in the event of a person dies without a will,
those who are entitled to his property as of right namely spouse, issues and
parents will have to elect an administrator to take charge of the distribution
of the estate. The administrator will have to apply through a lawyer to the
Court for issuance of a letter of
administration before distribution of the estate. If his spouse, issues and
parents are not in good relationship, they may face difficulty in the election
of an administrator. In contrast, if a person dies with a will, the person who
conducts the distribution of estate is stated in the will. He is the executor.
He will apply to the Court for issuance of a grant of probate before the
distribution of the estate.
Thirdly, in the case of a person dies without a will, the
Court requires two sureties who could respectively guarantees the gross value
of the estate. If the gross value of the estate worth one million dollar, it
will not be easy to look for a relative or a friend to be a surety. Contrary to
such situation, if a person dies with a will, no surety is required by the
Fourthly, the application to the Court for a letter of
administration will take about three to five years due to the difficulty in the
election of an administrator, looking for sureties, finding out the deceased’s
estate etc. In contrast, it only takes about six months for the Court to issue
a grant of probate.
Posted by Chai Yong of