Thursday, December 31, 2015

Pure water is no good for health?

Pure water is water that contains no minerals, suspended solids, bacteria and viruses.

As pure water has no minerals, some says that it is not good for health.

For your information, water is not the main source of minerals for humsn body. Actually the main source of minerals for human body is the food you take every day. Compared with foods like milk, soybean, seaweed etc, water has negligible minerals content.

Furthermore, human body cannot absorb inorganic minerals. Only the plants can absorb inorganic minerals and convert them to organic minerals. Thus, you will get the minerals by eating fruits or vegetables.

Therefore, pure water is not a good water for health because it has no minerals is a fallacy.

Posted by Chai Yong of

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Why you need a water filter?

Our tap water is produced by water treatment plants. It is delivered via water pipes from the water treatment plant to our houses and offices. Along the way, some casualties might happen. For instance, pipe leakage, pipe repair, corrosion of the pipe if it is a metal pipe etc. They may pollute the water again. When the water reaches our houses and offices, it may be contaminated with earth and sand, suspended solids, heavy metal, bacteria and viruses.

To clean the tap water, we need to have it treated one more time.

The recommended method is to use a water filter or water purifier. You may get one in the market.

Posted by Chai Yong of

Monday, December 7, 2015

Reverse Osmosis Water And Mineral Water

There are grossly two types of drinking water in the market namely reverse osmosis water and mineral water.

Reverse osmosis water remove basically all impurities, suspended solids, minerals etc from the tap water. It is a pure water.

In contrast, mineral water normally is produced from the underground water which is testified to be rich in minerals.

Which one is good for health?

Drinking water is for rehydration and not for nutritional supplements. It is not the effective way to get the nutritional minerals for the body. You may obtain the essential minerals from fruits and vegetables.

Rather than taking mineral water, drinking reverse osmosis water is a better way to rehydrate your body without exposing yourself to consuming heavy metals.

Coway provides reverse osmosis water and alkaline water. Please visit for details.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Coway Water Purifier/Water Filter

Tap water is not as clean as we expect. It may be contaminated during the delivery to our home. The contaminants can be from pipe leakage, pipe repair works or pipe corrosion.

One way to clean the water is to use water purifier/water filter. Nowadays, the most reliable brand is Coway Water Purifier/Water Filter from South Korea.

For more details, please visit

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Will - A Financial Planning Tool

A will is a financial planning tool. You can distribute your estate to your loved one after your death. Nothing to worry about writing one as it is to the benefits of your loved one. Without a will, it will cause chaos among the beneficiaries.

To read further, please refer to

Friday, May 29, 2015

Will writing

Will writing is a craft that need to be trained and developed.

In history there are some infamous cases on dispute over estate distribution. You will be surprised ti find that most of the disputes were due to defects in the will.

It is quite risky for one to draft a will himself based on ready made will format. It is advisable to consult a qualified lawyer to do a will for you.

For more information, please visit

Monday, May 25, 2015

Essential Elements of a Valid Contract

A contract can be oral or written. For a contract to be valid, four essential elements must exist. The four elements are:-

a. Offer;
b. Acceptance;
c. Consideration and
d. Intention to create a legal relation.

If you wish to know more about the four elements, kindly visit

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Where to get the final document in the case of testate and intestate?

A layman may think that after a person dies, if he has made a will, the distribution of the testator's estate is automatic namely just open the will and distribute it. This is totally wrong!

The personal representative of the testator has to go through a legal process i.e. application for a final document in an institution. The institution where the personal representative may apply for a final document depends on various situations. It could be a High Court, a land office or Public Trust Corporation.

For further details, please visit

Monday, May 11, 2015

Why Must You Make A Will - Malaysian Perspective

A will is a declaration of a person’s intention concerning the disposition of his property after his death. It has no legal effect until the death of the testator (the person who makes a will).

In a will, the testator states the person who will conduct the distribution of his property (executor) to the person whom he wishes to give (beneficiary). He may wish to appoint a trustee to deal with his property such as to insure, to sell or to rent out his property. He can even appoint a guardian beside his spouse to take care of his children until they reach the age of majority.

There are a few compelling reasons why a person must make a will during his lifetime.

Firstly, a testator can bequeath his property to the persons he wish to bequeath in his will. For instance, he may wish to donate part of his property to a charitable organization or give part of it to a friend. Without a will, a person’s estate will be distributed according to the Distribution Act 1958. According to the Distribution Act 1958, the statutory beneficiaries are his spouse, issues (children, if no children grandchildren) and parents. The Court however, may  intervene if a testator’s dependant who is not named as a beneficiary in the will applies for review.

Secondly, in the event of a person dies without a will, those who are entitled to his property as of right namely spouse, issues and parents will have to elect an administrator to take charge of the distribution of the estate. The administrator will have to apply through a lawyer to the Court for issuance of a  letter of administration before distribution of the estate. If his spouse, issues and parents are not in good relationship, they may face difficulty in the election of an administrator. In contrast, if a person dies with a will, the person who conducts the distribution of estate is stated in the will. He is the executor. He will apply to the Court for issuance of a grant of probate before the distribution of the estate.

Thirdly, in the case of a person dies without a will, the Court requires two sureties who could respectively guarantees the gross value of the estate. If the gross value of the estate worth one million dollar, it will not be easy to look for a relative or a friend to be a surety. Contrary to such situation, if a person dies with a will, no surety is required by the Court.

Fourthly, the application to the Court for a letter of administration will take about three to five years due to the difficulty in the election of an administrator, looking for sureties, finding out the deceased’s estate etc. In contrast, it only takes about six months for the Court to issue a grant of probate.
Posted by Chai Yong of